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Private Business Management
Below you will find a list of businesses that we have a partnerships with, that can help you and your business grow.
has fostered relationships with multiple Financial and Lending Institutions. Through these partnerships we can offer companies, from seasoned to start-up, a multitude of services ranging from raising the capital needed to grow, maintain, or enhance the business, to marketing, and working with cryptocurrency.
Services offered here at Ceunovo Investments, LLC are designed to take your company, and guide it through the labyrinth of the financial world, with an expert team of individuals experienced in business development, banking, investments, and crowdfunding, to name a few. Taking that knowledge and incorporating it with the financial relationships we have obtained, business owners can have the confidence they can raise the level of service they can offer their clients.
Startups and growing companies can use this platform to raise money from the general public, through the internet. We can assist you with the entire process of development.
Construction Company and Financing for all business development. If you need to expand your current office or move to a new location that best suits your growing business, we can help you from planning, construction, and finance.
Enforce Realty & Finance
Covid-19 Lease Agreement Renegotiation Relief. If due to the pandemic your business has suffered financial distress, Enforce Realty & Finance can help you renegotiate your current lease with your landlord.
Crypto Base Token Rewards Program
Crypto Base Token Rewards Programs keeps you connected with your clients through the most coveted real estate for advertisers your client’s mobile devices.
This technology can simplify the process of rewarding your clients and keeping them interested in your products and services.
Through Crypto Base Token Rewards Programs, users can receive and redeem loyalty tokens that are interchangeable across multiple rewards programs.
These tokens never expire or lose value, unlike traditional reward points, you don’t have to worry about their points expiring or being devalued before they can use them, and a win for businesses who gain greater customer loyalty by providing a better and more transparent customer experience.
Crypto Base Token Rewards Program is based on P2P systems, meaning there is a far less likely chance of a breach in the program making it more secure for both you and your clients.
Crypto Base Token Rewards Programs are expected to surge in the coming years due to its value-add for businesses. Crypto Base Token Rewards Programs for businesses will exceed $3.1 trillion by 2030. Businesses are responding to this potential value in kind by investing in new solutions.